Thursday, July 28, 2011

Week 20!

Well I’m halfway there! The little nugget is unofficially 6.5 inches and 10.5 ounces. This is what I know so far about my constant companion:

He/she is a squirmer! We had our ultra sound last week and while the nugget was very cooperative, when the tech tried to get a picture of the foot, Nugget would not stay still long enough so the picture didn’t turn out.

He/she is also stubborn! I have been feeling the nugget a lot lately and I’ve noticed that the jabs and kicks are stronger than they were in the beginning. For about a week now at least I’ve made Brian put his hand on my belly in hopes to feel the nugget. But nothing! The nugget stops moving! I’ve noticed that Nugget is especially active after I eat candy or dessert and even last night after my ice cream cone, the nugget was laying low and avoiding high fiving his papa. Oh well, I’m sure Brian will be feeling this too before long.

Other than that we are working on the baby registry and still debating names. With only 4.5 months to go, I think time will really start to fly by. Time to get ready!