Friday, July 31, 2009

100 Things about Me!

1. When I was born, my brothers said I looked like a monster.
2. In the womb, I kicked more than my brothers. I think that means I was destined to be a soccer player.
3. I have 2 older brothers. I love being the little sister, and I’m glad I never had a sister.
4. Sometimes though I would imagine that I had 7 siblings instead of just 2.
5. When I was little, my parents were having a party, and I disappeared. My mom couldn’t find me. I ended up going to my room to take a nap – in the middle of the party! I love that story and think it says a lot about me.
6. When I was 6, I quit t-ball because my teammates couldn’t hit the ball off the tee, and they demanded their mom be in the dugout with them. I was a tough little kid.
7. I started playing soccer when I was 8. In the last 20 years, the only significant off time I’ve had from soccer was when I was recovering from both ACL surgeries.
8. We got a puppy when I was 7 years old. Cinnamon used to un-tie my sneakers while I ate breakfast. This would bring me to tears. I guess I wasn’t all the way tough.
9. When I was little, I used to daydream that the man I would marry would be somewhat smarter than me, but not too much, would play soccer or at least be athletic, and would, of course, be hot!
10. I have always wanted to be a writer, but have found that the more school I have the less creative I am.
11. One my favorite games when I was little was to add numbers together. I would just ask my grandparents or my parents for a number, then I’d ask for a second number. Then watch out world I would add away! This would entertain me for hours. So I was always a dork.
12. I was not cool in middle or high school (maybe because of #11?). I was painfully shy.
13. I’m still not that great at small talk.
14. When I get nervous I start babbling. Who knows what I’ll say!
15. I had a hamster that I named Squirmy. He was always escaping his cage, but I always found him again. He lived for about 3 years which is pretty much an all-time record for hamsters.
16. I had three wisdom teeth removed. This is odd, because it’s unsymmetrical.
17. I moved from Ohio to Belgium when I was 16 and a junior in high school.
18. I was sad about moving, but I loved living in Belgium.
19. I learned how to read Flemish because of the subtitles on the TV.
20. The bus ride to school in Belgium was always an adventure. The little kids always wanted to take over the bus, but it never happened.
21. One time we (the bus) got into an accident on the way to school. Months later I had to go to the police station to give a statement. My statement was, I saw nothing, I was reading The Scarlett Letter and then all of the sudden I flew out of my seat.
22. I am an impatient person.
23. I studied chemical engineering at Ohio University, which is in a wonderfully small little town.
24. I chose chemical engineering because of career day at my high school. The chemical engineer that came to talk to us told us about his hobby of brewing beer. Really I wanted to be a brewmeister.
25. I had a swordtail fish that I named Apollo. One time I was cleaning his tank so he was in a little bowl. I went to put Apollo back into his tank, but he wasn’t in the bowl anymore. I was baffled. Turns out he committed suicide, and I found him on the floor next to the bowl. Even though I was 20 years old I still had to call my mom to come pick him up.
26. To keep my friends entertained at OU, I learned how to drink a beer while standing on my head.
27. I refuse to do this party trick now that I am out of school.
28. I was in a sorority at OU, but I quit. I did live in the house for a year though. It was quite an experience
29. I also joined the engineering fraternity which was a much more rewarding experience for me.
30. I’m pretty sure global warming is a farce. Engineering has made me skeptical in general.
31. After OU, I went to New Mexico State to study chemical engineering some more.
32. I always saw myself packing up the car and driving forever. This happened for the move to NMSU.
33. My mom did the Ohio to NM road trip with me.
34. I had no place to live when I got to New Mexico. This bothered my mom more than me.
35. I bought a manual transmission car because I knew I would never learn how to drive one otherwise.
36. Within 5 miles of leaving the dealership with the new car, I got into an accident (a minor one) and was pulled over.
37. I went to a palm reader once, and I was impressed by what she said.
38. In college I pictured that I would move to Texas even though I had no reason to at that time.
39. I used to read tarot cards for my friends.
40. I still have a deck of tarot cards, but I don’t use them anymore.
41. I lived by myself for the first time when I was 23, and it was only for a year.
42. I met Brian in New Mexico; we had a class together.
43. Brian and I were inseparable almost immediately.
44. After New Mexico, I moved to Houston for a full-time job.
45. I work for a chemical company as a chemical engineer and in general I like what I do.
46. I used to be addicted to Tootsie rolls. I would eat them all day long. I gave them up in an effort to avoid more cavities.
47. Even though I can now resist Tootsie rolls, I still eat a lot of candy.
48. I (and Brian) adopted a dog almost immediately after moving to Texas.
49. I picked out the name Heineken before we even looked at dogs.
50. When we found the right dog, I wanted to name her Einstein. Brian said she looked like a Heineken. He was right. She’s definitely a Heineken.
51. Heineken is my favorite beer, and I’ve been to the Heineken brewery in Amsterdam twice. I crawled out of the brewery the first time.
52. At OU I was nicknamed, Heineken Queen.
53. I treat Heineken like a person, and I think she (and dogs in general) are amazing creatures.
54. I absolutely hate mosquitoes, and if I had the power to eradicate them, I would. This goes for ants too, especially fire ants.
55. My grandma passed away over a year ago and it still crushes my heart when I realize she’s not here anymore.
56. On April 4, 2009, my #9 came true when Brian and I got married.
57. My wedding day was the most terrific and fun day ever, and I keep trying to talk Brian into doing it again.
58. We spent our honeymoon in London, Paris, Cologne, Antwerp, Amsterdam and Brussels.
59. My top 3 activities were (in no specific order) Stone Henge, the chocolate museum, and the Heineken brewery.
60. I scored Brian and me three free rounds of Heineken at the brewery.
61. We adopted a 5 month old puppy from the pound, which we named Stella, after the Belgian beer Stella Artois.
62. Having a puppy makes me realize I am not ready for babies.
63. I am completely entertained to watch Heineken and Stella play together.
64. I think it says a lot about us that we named our dogs after beers. We will have a different philosophy by the time we have kids to name (I hope).
65. I would adopt all the dogs in the pound if I could, but I would also regret it.
66. I’m pretty sure my mom likes Brian more than me.
67. But that’s ok, because I’m still daddy’s little girl.
68. I am slow to temper and quick to forgive.
69. I like laughing, especially when it’s a belly laugh and it makes my eyes water.
70. I love taking naps, especially with the puppies snuggling with me.
71. I really hate paying for haircuts. I usually don’t. I just make my mom cut my hair every time she visits.
72. I really like having house guests.
73. Our most frequent house guests are my parents. This is fine by me.
74. If I go into a bookstore, I almost always leave with a new book.
75. My best friends in the world are the ones I went to OU with. Now we all live too far from each other. Whenever we have a reunion, I feel so complete. When it’s time to leave, I get mad that we live too far apart.
76. My favorite band of all time is K’s Choice. Brian and I used one of their songs as a reading in our ceremony. The father-daughter dance was also a song by them.
77. I really look forward to the weekends. Not because I don’t like the week, but because I love the weekends.
78. The older I get the more I like to sleep.
79. More and more, I think I’m becoming my mom. This isn’t a bad thing, but it’s extremely annoying.
80. I like to call my mom when I’m driving home from work even though I know that I shouldn’t be talking on the cell phone while I drive.
81. I could spend the whole day reading if I had the right book.
82. I got my first digital camera in 2009. I’m really behind the times.
83. I do have iPod though. Only because that was a graduation gift from my parents.
84. I hate how there’s a nail place inside of the grocery store because I have to walk past it and smell that chemical smell.
85. Sometimes Brian and I talk engineering at home. I like it.
86. I have a 105 bowling average and a pink/purple ball.
87. 87 was my brother’s high school football number. 20 was my other brother’s. I have no reason to remember that – it was 15 years ago. I did watch their games.
88. I love making lists!
89. During my 7 years of school, I only fell asleep one time in a class – a special lecture. And, I don’t understand how people fall asleep at work.
90. I’m pretty sure chocolate and peanut butter is the best combination, ever.
91. Vegas is one of my favorite cities even though I am not a big gambler.
92. I went to New York City for the first time ever this year, and I absolutely loved it, even though I was only there for about 12 hours.
93. Cities where you can walk around with an open container of beer top my list of places to be (like Key West).
94. I’m pretty sure I cuss around my parents more than anyone else.
95. I still have my baby blanket. I don’t sleep with it, but it covers my night stand.
96. I can’t remember how I learned anything without Google.
97. Anything and everything makes turns me into a Nervous Nelly.
98. I am clumsy. I’m always bumping my head, knee, shin on something. I’m always getting mysterious bruises. I’ve run into walls before too.
99. If someone shouted , “O – H” I would reply automatically with “I – O” likewise, if someone said, OU? I would answer with, “Oh yeah!”
100. I’m kinda sad this is the end of the list, but happy I was able to complete it! (I’m not the best person at seeing things through to the end).

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